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Analeslie Martinez

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Hilo, Hawaii Island, USA

Student pharmacist at The Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy at The University of Hawaii


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

Getting the COVID-19 vaccine felt like getting any other vaccine, except that this time I was extremely excited to be getting this vaccine. The days following my first vaccination, I felt a bit of injection site tenderness, and slightly more tired than usual but that quickly passed in about 2 or 3 days. After the second vaccine, I only felt injection site tenderness for about a day or 2 but other than that no other symptoms were experienced.ts associated with the vaccine.
I have been very fortunate to be able to be part of the COVID-19 vaccine role out team in Hilo, Hawaii. On December 23, 2020 we started the COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic in the local hospital, Hilo Medical Center and prepared and administered 160 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines to hospital staff. Since then, we have vaccinated anywhere between 150-250 community healthcare members and kupunas (Hawaiian for the “elderly”). We have vaccinated people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, over 100 years of age, currently dealing with or previously having cancer and all have come back for their second dose. I have had such a great experience talking to many folks and answering their questions on the vaccine. 


Why did you get the vaccine?

Hawaii is a very popular tourist destination, but many parts of the state are considered rural with many people not having access to health care. As pharmacy students, we reach out to those remote areas to provide free health screenings and education, vaccine clinics, and many times we are the only source of access that they have. Villages are vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreaks but are also becoming increasingly more vulnerable to serious health outcomes because they are not keeping track of their blood pressure or blood glucose, for example. I took the vaccine in order to continue to provide free services to underserved communities without putting them in even more risk. I also really want to travel again.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Robin Schönfeldt

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Eppelborn, Germany

Health and medical nurse, Department of Oncology/Hematology


How did you feel when you got vaccinated? What is your experience with it?

I was very excited in the morning of my first vaccination appointment. However, the organisation and procedure were very good in the vaccination centre of Neunkirchen as well as the medical information and carrying out the vaccination. I was very stunned by the fast development of this new vaccine. I was never afraid or in doubt about this new vaccine, but I had a great respect for it. I have informed myself thoroughly beforehand about the vaccine using confidential sources. Also, I read many articles that were based on subjectivity and lacked the scientific evidence.This made me angry because so much false information is circulating. At the moment of my vaccination, I was incredibly thankful to receive it in order to be able to protect my entrusted patients, my family and myself.

What were your considerations for taking the vaccine?

The main argument that convinced me to take the vaccine was the ability to protect other people and myself. Especially because I am dealing every day with a lot of people who are suffering from underlying diseases or immunosuppression in my job. I would simply like to help fighting the corona pandemic. At no time did I have any reservations about a Covid 19 vaccination, as the vaccinations have been extensively reviewed for safety and efficacy through the studies conducted and by the EU.

Which vaccine did you get? 


First vaccination on 31.12.2020

Second vaccination on 21.01.2021

Miriam Guadalupe Flores Vargas 

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Monterrey, Mexico

Resident Pediatrician Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

During the first hours I had pain at the site of injection, then I felt general tiredness for approximately 24 hrs duration. My experience was good, as I can say that I had no serious effects associated with the vaccine.


Why did you get the vaccine?

For being a doctor who treats suspected and confirmed patients of COVID 19.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Spencer Martin

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Vancouver, Canada

Resident working in general surgery at Saint Paul's Hospital


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I received my first dose on January 7 and experienced no side effects. I look forward to receiving my second dose ASAP.


Why did you get the vaccine?

I’ve seen first hand how COVID-19 can severely sicken people, including young people, so getting the vaccine was a no brainer for me. I also have a PhD in immunology, and I am extremely confident in this vaccine. I have read the New England Journal of Medicine paper on the Pfizer vaccine and realize how effective it is against COVID. I would encourage everyone to get the vaccine as soon as they are eligible.


Which vaccine did you get? 


Constanza Oyarzún


Lota, Chile

Medical Doctor at Cesfam Sergio Lagos Olave


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?
The vaccine did not hurt, and I did not get a reaction on my skin or my arm. After the vaccine, I drank a liter of water as suggested. I have not had any COVID-19 symptoms afterward, and after the vaccine, I continued working normally. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got infected with COVID-19 on November 28th (I only developed anosmia and ageusia [loss of smell and taste]). I do not have any chronic illnesses, but I am allergic to latex, penicillin, and sulfa. 

Which vaccine did you get? 

Coronavac from Sinovac laboratory (China) 

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Esteban Alberto Ibarra Gutiérrez

Monterrey, México

Rheumatologist at Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

During the application I did not feel any discomfort. My experience was positive in general. There were no long queues (approximately 20 people before me), the instructions were clear from the personnel who administered the vaccine, and we had 30 minutes of vigilance after. There was a good disposition for the second dose.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I am a doctor and I was severely ill during my COVID infection. After I recovered, I am still seeing patients in the COVID ward. I consider that if I get infected a second time I might not make it. 

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Christina Nowicki

Chicago, USA

PhD Candidate at Rush University Medical Center


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I was very excited to have the opportunity to get the vaccine. The first dose, I had no symptoms other than mild pain at the injection site. After my second dose, again my arm was sore, but the following day I experienced achiness and fatigue. All my symptoms were gone in about 48 hours.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine because I conduct research at a medical center, but more so, I wanted to do my part in preventing infection and hopefully ending this pandemic. 

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Guadalupe Columna Tirado

Tuxpan de Rodríguez Cano, Veracruz. Mexico

Chemist at the Emilio Alcázar Civil Hospital


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

In truth, I felt a little bit of pain, which increased a little more during the rest of the day and until the next day. I got it around 11:45 in the morning, and I felt a lot of fear because I didn’t really know what I was facing. I had doubts about the possible consequences that could have with the passage of time (for the haste of its production).

Why did you get the vaccine?

Because I’m in the health sector, but for the moment I’m on the safe side. But sooner or later I have to go to work and almost all of my co-workers who are working have ended up getting sick. 

Which vaccine did you get? 


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José Daniel Paz Guzmán

Monterrey, Mexico

Pediatrics Resident at Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

During the application, I felt an only mild pain in my arm. Personally, I had already been ill with COVID-19. The application was quick and without complications due to the capable and qualified staff that was ready to attend any possible reactions.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I am a doctor and son. Mainly, I got the vaccine merely for personal protection and indirect protection for my family. I did not want to lose hope or any more medical staff on the first line of attention for patients, which in my case, are children. 

Which vaccine did you get? 



Eileena Giurini

Chicago, USA

Lab research assistant at Rush University Medical Center


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I was very excited to have the opportunity to receive the COVID vaccine! The process was very efficient and quick, all personnel involved were friendly and professional, and receiving the vaccine itself was no more painful than the flu shot. Of course, I had to take a selfie after receiving each part of the vaccine!

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine because it's one small thing that I can do to get us one little step closer to ending the pandemic. Receiving the COVID vaccine has also brought me a lot of peace of mind that I'm keeping myself and the people around me safe.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Jessica Merino Caballero

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Monterrey, Mexico

Pediatric Neurologist at Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

During the application I had no discomfort, but within a few minutes I presented mild pain at the application site. This pain gave way the next day. Therefore, my experience was positive. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

I applied it for being active health personnel in the covid area.

Which vaccine did you get? 



Claire Auger

Chicago, USA

PhD Candidate at Rush University Medical Center

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

When I go the first vaccine I felt totally fine the first day, the second day my arm was a little sore (as it is when I get any shot) and I felt a little tired but that was it. When I got the second vaccine the first day I was fine but in the night I think I had a low-grade fever. The second day after I got the second dose I was extremely tired, had a swollen lymph node under my arm, and a bit of a low-grade fever again.
Overall, I would say that my symptoms were very mild and I have had worse symptoms after some of my flu shots.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine because I trust in the science and research that went into the vaccine, and wanted to keep those around me safe. I work in a hospital and therefore my exposure risk is relatively high and my household includes multiple people with high-risk factors for Covid. Though the vaccine I received hasn’t been proven to prevent the spread I think it will likely mitigate the risk.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Daniel Gómez González

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Monterrey, Mexico

Pediatric Hematologist at Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I was very excited, so I did not feel the needle, just a mild pain when it was over. 
The experience was good. It was organized and the staff was always checking on us, both doctors and nurses supervising every step and looking out for adverse effects. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

I am a doctor and I am exposed when I enter the COVID ward, to take care of myself and also take care of my family.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Ilse Santivañez Estrada

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Monterrey, Mexico

Pediatric Resident, UMAE Hospital


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

After the application, I only had mild pain in the application arm. I presented with a feverish side effect on a single occasion, then there were no other symptoms. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

For being a health care worker in a covid area, also for personal care and for my family. 

Which vaccine did you get? 


Kimberly Fiock


Graduate Student


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

 I felt immense pride when I got the vaccine because of the work that I know was put into its development. As a scientist myself, I know that the biggest dream a scientist has is to see the research they’ve done change lives. That’s exactly what this vaccine is doing. The actual shot itself was painless. In fact, I thought the person administering it hadn’t done it yet because I literally felt nothing! The process to check-in and wait for my turn was super easy and very efficient. It took about an hour in total because there were other people receiving their vaccine at the same time!

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine to protect myself and my community from the spread of the virus. We are all responsible for protecting each other by getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, and social distancing.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Yerania Idali De La Cruz Perez

Monterrey, Mexico

Anesthesiology Resident - Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

At the moment I felt nothing, hours later I only felt pain in the area of the vaccine, which was relievedwith Ibuprofen . I took this medicine only for 2 days. My experience was normal, as with any other vaccine, it did not limit my daily activities and I continued with my normal routine.

Why did you get the vaccine?

For being a first-line physician in the care of COVID-19 patients

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Laura Tran

Chicago, USA

PhD Candidate at Rush University Medical Center


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I was nervous but excited! There was (and still is) a lot of circulating news and information regarding the vaccine, however, I am a firm proponent of immunizations and how vaccines are a boon to society. They work and are backed by extensive science!
I received my vaccination at the end of January. On day 1 of my vaccination, I only experienced mild soreness in my arm. On day 2, I got hit by the “fatigue train” and was feeling incredibly tired, but in good spirits overall! The first dose was a breeze. Fast forward to three weeks later, I received my second dose. I experienced a lot more soreness in my arm that lasted for two days and had a mild case of chills the following night. Overall, I didn’t have any major side effects from the vaccine! I was very fortunate to receive this vaccine, and it has definitely brought me peace of mind.

Why did you get the vaccine?

Again, I was very fortunate enough to receive the vaccine through my university! Because my research requires me to be on campus daily, I come into contact with a number of different population groups from students to elderly and immunocompromised patients. This was a driving factor in my decision to get the vaccine, so I can protect myself and those around me. I think it’s important to keep in mind that wearing a mask and practicing social distancing are great methods to slow the spread of COVID. The vaccine doesn’t make you invincible, but it is another opportunity to stop the pandemic in its tracks.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Rosa Elva Vela Dávila

Monterrey, Mexico

Rheumatologist at UMAE Hospital


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

During the application of the first dose I felt mild pain in my arm. On the second dose, 21 days later, I felt the same discomfort.

My experience was positive. The logistics were adequate, and the place had doctors prepared to treat adverse reactions if it was necessary. I went to work afterwards with no other problems. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

I am a doctor and at times I have gone into the COVID area to see my patients. I also give public and private consultations. It was necessary for me to get the vaccine in order to continue working in a professional way.

Which vaccine did you get? 



María Cristina Gutierrez Herrera

Monterrey, Mexico

Resident Pediatrician Hospital UMAE


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

After application, I presented with only mild pain in the arm for two days. Do not have any side effects in the day or after. The place where the vaccine was given had nurses and doctors prepared to deal with complications if necessary.

Why did you get the vaccine?

For being a health worker in a covid area, also for personal and family care.

Which vaccine did you get? 



Maddie Funderburg




What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I was able to get the vaccine through my school district. I was excited to get my vaccine and felt encouraged to see so many of my colleagues get theirs too. It made me feel like the end to the pandemic is within reach. I had no side effects with the first dose other than a sore arm. After the second dose, I developed a low-grade fever the day after and had some chills. Those side effects were gone by the end of the day.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine to protect myself, my students, and my family.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Robert S. Gerowitz

Palatine, IL, USA



What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?
Vax #1:Day 1 no effects. Day 2 sluggish & 5/10 shoulder pain
Vax #2: Day 1 no effects. Day 2 a little less sluggish, 2/10 shoulder pain & scalp/hair tender to touch.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I believe in the process & I’m in healthcare so exposed to numerous patients

Which vaccine did you get? 



Linda E. Davies




What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?
When I was notified that I could make an appointment for my first vaccine, I felt as if II had won the Lottery, but mostly I was so relieved – it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The process of checking in and getting the first vaccine was extremely well organized. They must use a very small needle because I hardly felt it. I had no side effects at all other than a sore arm. The second shot went pretty much the same as the first, but I was done in less time. Again, the main side effect was a sore arm.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I’ve seen what the virus has done to so many people. My 90-year-old mother was recovering from a stroke in her home with caregivers coming in. She contracted Covid from someone that came into her house and has been in the hospital for 4 months. It is a devastating illness that I didn’t want to get and, in turn, now I can’t infect anyone else. Everyone needs to be vaccinated so we can get our lives back to normal.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Miranda Gerowitz

Chicago, USA

Social Media and Marketing Manager


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

Physically I felt totally fine, other than my arm being sore (to be expected after a vaccine). Mentally, I was excited and felt hopeful! My experience was, overall, very positive. I went to a local health clinic where the process was smooth and safe, fun music played in the background, and it was fast (maybe 20-25 minutes total).

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine to keep myself and the people around me safe.

Which vaccine did you get? 



Carmella Nowicki




What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I am 68 years old and felt very fortunate to get an appointment at Good Shepherd Hospital. The clinic was very well run and the line was short. Once I received my first shot in the morning, I was fine all day but as the evening approached my arm was very sore at the injection site. It continued to swell so I applied an ice pack through the evening and night. By morning I was back to normal and had no other symptoms. My second shot was wonderful. I had no symptoms or side effects at all. I felt better than usual and with lots of energy. I highly recommend getting the vaccination to protect yourself and others.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I admit I was a little hesitant at first in getting the vaccine but all my fears were relieved once I did. Especially because my experience was so positive and I had such minor symptoms. I felt that the risk of getting covid was so much higher than getting a shot. The shot itself was like getting a flu shot and I wanted to protect and visit with my family and friends. I now feel so much safer being around others. I still wear my mask and wash my hands to be on the safe side but I feel the light is shining at the end of the tunnel now.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Armando Andres Roca Suarez

Lyon, France

Postdoctoral fellow at the Cancer Research Center of Lyon (CRCL)


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

The only side effect that I experienced after vaccination was mild pain in the upper arm, which was gone the next day. That tiny discomfort was nothing in comparison to how fortunate I felt to receive it. I left the vaccination center with a hopeful outlook.

Why did you get the vaccine?

As a medical student, I came to know the story of Maurice Hilleman by reading Paul Offit’s Vaccinated: One Man's Quest to Defeat the World's Deadliest Diseases. He was a central figure in the development of a multitude of vaccines that have saved millions of lives. As important as his work was, I had never heard of this person before. Similarly, I think the past year has taught us that even if they don’t have the recognition they deserve, every one of the scientists involved in the development of vaccines against COVID-19 are some of the real heroes in our society. Therefore, one of the reasons why I wanted to have this vaccine was so I could share my experience and describe how much I value the work of these amazing individuals. However, as fascinating as it is to discuss the science in this field, I think the main reason why I did not hesitate to be vaccinated is that like many of you, I have also lost friends and relatives during this pandemic. Knowing the toll this disease can inflict on a family, I do not want to put mine in this situation, especially if I have safe and effective means to prevent it.

Which vaccine did you get? 

AZD1222 (AstraZeneca)

Sheryl Hoyer

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Chicago, USA

Associate Dermatology Program Director at University of Illinois at Chicago
Dermatologist at North Shore Center for Medical Aesthetics


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I was excited to start the road back to “normal” and excited that this was part of the good stuff for the history and science books. There was also a feeling I can’t sum up in one word, a confused and sad feeling in that I felt like it was the only good experience/thing that I couldn’t share. Normally when I feel so good about something, I might share it or give it to someone else, but that wasn’t something I could do with my vaccine. I had to remind myself that the best I could do was show up for my shot at my time and trust in the process. If I get mine (in 1a front line essential health care workers), then that would be the start of everyone getting it. 
To that end, my daughter and I stayed up after midnight several nights trying to sign up family and friends who qualified for vaccine appointments. At work, my co-workers and I would give our older patients tips on how to find vaccine appointments.
I didn’t feel sick after either shot, barely a sore arm.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine so I could visit my 80-year-old mom, 94-year-old mother-in-law, and son who all live in different parts of the country. I got the vaccine to help us all get back to “normal.”

Which vaccine did you get? 


Isabel Barrios Cruz

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Estacion Colonias Altamira, Tamaulipas, Mexico



What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I felt fine, like with any other vaccine.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine for inner peace because it makes me feel better and safer. For health and protection. I think we should all get vaccinated.

Which vaccine did you get? 




Boston, USA



What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I felt almost nothing when I got the vaccine. I was a little bit nervous, but nothing else. The muscles in my arm contracted a little bit for a few minutes after receiving the first dose. I moved my arm in circles, and I think that helped. My arm was a bit sore that day, as with any vaccine. I had no secondary effects or pain after the second dose.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I wasn't given a choice, but I didn't have a preference. I got the vaccine because I believe many people have worked hard to make it safe. All the vaccine ingredients are listed on the website. I believe the vaccine is the best way to be protected from the coronavirus in the long term. I really want to get back to normal life and to be able to hug and visit other people again. I think getting vaccinated gives us the best chances for that.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Lis Hoch


St. Gallen, Switzerland



What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I followed with interest the development of a vaccine against Covid-19. When the time came, I immediately registered with my family doctor. As an 80+-year-old with pre-existing conditions, I was already scheduled for February. The vaccination went off without a hitch. Apart from a reddened spot at the injection site, I did not experience the slightest reaction

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got vaccinated because I trust the medicine and it gives me more security. I am looking forward to seeing my family again.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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Jason Wei

Chicago, USA
Medical Assistant (dermatology)


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

Immediately after my first vaccine, my arm began to hurt. Over the course of the next ~48 hours, I felt some mild fatigue, but nothing extraordinary. The most uncomfortable side effect I got from my first vaccine was a few episodes of night sweats the night of, which may have contributed to my fatigue. The side effects of the second vaccine were definitely more noticeable! The remainder of the day after my second vaccine I felt fine, then the day after I had a slight headache. Then the effects really took off at almost exactly the 24-hour mark, where I was out of commission for basically a day and a half. My headache worsened, I would have some nausea if I moved my head around too fast, and pretty severe fatigue. However, after those 1.5 days, I felt good as new!

In terms of actually receiving the vaccine, my experience was pretty straightforward. The hardest part was getting signed up, but once I did and arrived at the appointment, it was essentially in-and-out. I arrived 15 minutes before my appointment and filled out a questionnaire. They then had me wait in observation for 15 minutes after I received the shot. If you noted any adverse reactions, specifically anaphylaxis, to medications, other vaccines, or other ingredients, they'd have you wait for 30. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

My job requires me to be in constant patient contact, so for the safety of those that I interact with, including my coworkers, getting the vaccine was the obvious choice. It also gave me the opportunity to share my experience with those that are skeptical and hopefully be able to show that there's nothing to be afraid of.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Klaus Hoch 


St. Gallen, Switzerland



What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I felt a twinge and a great deal of anticipation. The reaction was the same as with the flu shot.

Why did you get the vaccine?

To finally have a normal life again.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Naba Agha

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Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Vaccine Coordination Assistant / Graduate Student

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I got my vaccine at Michigan Medicine. The entire process of receiving the vaccine was pretty smooth for the most part. For the first dose, I felt some arm soreness later in the day, and the next day the soreness in my left arm increased. But I didn't feel anything else other than just the typical arm soreness that you get from most vaccines. Had no other side effects from the 1st dose. After the 2nd dose, I started to feel a slight headache about 10 hours after the 2nd dose. The next day, it turned into sinus headaches, which I've never had before. That wasn't enjoyable, but it was bearable. By the next day, I wasn't getting anymore and didn't feel any other symptoms other than the sinus headaches.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I am an employee at the hospital, so it was given to all employees at Michigan Medicine. I also want to protect myself and my loved ones from COVID-19. I was more afraid of getting the disease than the risk of possible symptoms that the vaccine may bring on.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Servet Yașar




What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I did not feel pain or sensation at the moment of vaccination. The first evening I had a headache (only at discomfort level). The pain in my arm that was vaccinated lasted 2 days. I don't know how to describe it but I have a suspicion that I began to feel tired chronically after getting vaccinated

Why did you get the vaccine?

Evaluating the pros and cons I didn't want to risk a possible infection

Which vaccine did you get? 


Paul Hojda

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Optometry student

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

The vaccination itself was very quick and painless. Afterward, we were instructed to wait in a waiting room for 15 minutes, in case of any allergic reactions. There were thankfully none. A couple of hours after the vaccination I started feeling some muscle pain, especially in my legs, and about 8 hours later I had a full-blown fever, with chills and everything. I could barely sleep the first night. It felt just like being ill. The fever and general state of illness continued the next day, but by the third day I started feeling better again, and on the 4th day I was feeling perfect. So far it’s been almost a month since I’ve been vaccinated and have experienced no long-term adverse reactions. 

Why did you get the vaccine?

I want to both protect myself and those around me from the coronavirus.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Christine Little


Victoria, Canada

Assistant Deputy Minister

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I felt a sense of relief and excitement to get the vaccine because getting community immunity is the only thing that is going to take us forward to recovery from this virus.  My experience has been very positive with side effects being slight fatigue for a day and a bit of an achy arm for about 2 days.

Why did you get the vaccine?

Vaccination is the only way we will be able to protect our loved ones and society from this virus and the sooner as many people get vaccinated as possible, the sooner we can put the effects of this virus behind us.  Not only has the virus taken a terrible toll in terms of lost loved ones, but the economic and social impacts have been devastating as well.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Jan Wouters


Volkel, the Netherlands


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I almost felt euphoric because I was very happy that I was going to be vaccinated. The moment the vaccine was injected, I felt a certain pressure in my arm muscle. This soon went away, however. Afterward, I suffered from a stiff/painful upper arm for a few days. No other complaints

Why did you get the vaccine?

I deliberately took the vaccine because I want to be protected as much as possible against COVID-19.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Norberto León Altamirano Unzueta


Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

Nothing, no hassle. I heard testimony in which they recommended extending the arm downwards, I did it and I did not feel any pain when they gave me the vaccine. My experience has been good. Specifically speaking of the vaccine, I have not had any discomfort and I feel calm. Regarding the vaccination process, I was for more than 4 hours under the sun and on the street, together with more than 500 people over 60 years of age and their companions, plus street vendors, all without the distance required. There was disorganization by those responsible for this service so that in the end they would tell us that there were no more vaccines and that we would return the next day, where the same PROTOCOL was repeated. But finally, I got my first dose.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I am confident that it is a solution to the pandemic. I got it to protect my health, to protect myself from the disease caused by the virus.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Elena del Carmen Torres Castro


Cuautla, Morelos, Mexico


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

Nothing, just like any vaccine. Good overall, I have only felt a little pain in my arm, tiredness, and a slight headache. The waiting time was fatal because I was in the sun for several hours but I feel calm.

Why did you get the vaccine?

Because I believe it will help me avoid serious complications from the virus.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Yuliana Yapur


Laredo, USA

Student-athlete at Texas A&M International University

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I felt pain all throughout my arm but 2 minutes later I was perfectly fine. After the vaccine I didn’t have any symptoms at all, I just felt soar from my arm the next day but I’ve felt normal, just like before getting it.

Why did you get the vaccine?

To reduce my chances of getting Covid and because of my family.

Which vaccine did you get? 

Johnson & Johnson - Janssen

Jenny Cinto Vergara


Huejotzingo, Puebla. México

Analyst Coordinator of the Acquisition Office and attention to patients

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

When I got vaccinated, I just felt pain in my arm. In the beginning, with a little bit of doubt because of the bombarding of information.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine because I consider it’s necessary to be protected to avoid infection by COVID-19 since I work in a Health Institution and infections are very likely to happen, most of my coworkers tested positive between the months of June and July, and one of them came to be hospitalized in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), thank God he recovered and is currently working. Another coworker recovered but she was left with sequels and to this date, she hasn´t been able to reincorporate into her working life because the virus affected her neuronal system and lower limbs, she is in rehabilitation and in a wheelchair, and for these situations, I decided to get the vaccine.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Guadalupe Vizcarra


Veracruz, Mexico


What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

I felt good. I am happy because I got vaccinated and I did not experience any adverse effects. The only discomfort I had was some pain in my arm the next day, but it went away quickly. It has been almost one week and I feel calm. I hope that everybody gets the vaccine like I did because for the love of our people, we need to protect ourselves.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got the vaccine to protect myself from coronavirus, to take care of myself and my family because a lot of us are living together.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Ghino Ventura


Veracruz, Mexico

Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) [Mexican Institute of Social Security]

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

It felt like any other vaccine, and I did not feel any discomfort at the time of application. I had some pain in my arm the next day, but only that. Now, I am waiting for the second dose.

Why did you get the vaccine?

I got vaccinated to help with the care and prevention of contagion because by working in a hospital and handling Covid patients’ medical histories, I am at more risk of getting sick myself or infecting my loved ones.

Which vaccine did you get? 


Karen Rosas


Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico

What did you feel when they gave you the vaccine? What has been your experience?

It was painless, a nurse soldier treated me and nothing hurt at the moment, after a few hours only my head hurt a little, maybe because I was in the sun or maybe because of the vaccine. It hurt in the arm in the area where I was vaccinated. But it was normal like with other vaccines.

Why did you get the vaccine?

Because vaccines are necessary to protect ourselves and our families who cannot get the vaccine.

Which vaccine did you get? 


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